Seasonal Yoga

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Ryoho Yoga Classes

Ryoho’s targeted therapeutic exercises give us the ability to focus on students’ specific needs and helps them restore the harmonious functioning of the meridians and organs. This increases vitality and creates stability, calm and a sense of well-being.

Our yoga classes are tailored to students at all levels of ability and everyone can experience the benefits of Ryoho yoga. We can also work with students to address some particular health issues they may be confronted with, such as:

Collaroy beach yoga class - Men health
Collaroy beach yoga class - Men health

• Improving digestion and elimination and managing weight
• Strengthening the core
• Improving immune function – help with frequent coughs, colds and flu
• Alleviating lower back pain
• Reducing headaches and migraines
• Improving sleep
• Releasing neck and shoulder tension
• Improving flexibility and adaptability

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Seasonal Courses

Investment: $200 for 10 classes, $25 casual

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The aim of seasonal yoga classes is to get in touch with how the changes in nature affect our energy levels, organ function and moods. For example, we naturally feel introspective and still in winter and a lot more energetic and outgoing in summer. By aligning the individual with nature and its laws, we can balance our bodies and minds to live in harmony with the world around us. Adapting our yoga practices and lifestyle choices to reflect seasonal changes can enhance our physical and emotional well-being. If you are looking for Yoga Narrabeen, Yoga Cromer or Yoga Collaroy join our seasonal Ryoho Yoga programs. These programs are held in Narrabeen at Tramshed Arts & Community Centre, Belrose Yoga Studio and Collaroy, Northern Beaches.

Spring Program

Spring is a season of change and renewal. It is a time to sow your seeds and create a positive new direction for the rest of the year. As days become longer and nature blooms with new energy, we need to lighten up after the winter hibernation, cleanse our bodies and prepare for more fun and light-hearted festive summer season.

In Spring, YogaAboutYou will help you to:

• Improve flexibility and adaptability in your body and mind
• Increase joint mobility, lengthen muscles and strengthen ligaments
• Help your liver detox and heal for better moods and calmer mind
• Get in shape for summer by improving digestion and losing excess winter weight
• Reinvigorate your life with new energy and vision


Summer Program

Summer, governed by the fire element, is the season of abundance and joyful activity, a time to celebrate life with others. The expansive Fire energy is all about relationships, communication and creativity. During this time of the year is the perfect opportunity to improve our circulation, communication, and relationships.

In Summer, YogaAboutYou will help you to:

• Allow your heart to relax and open, enhancing relationships in your life
• Transition from obsessive and negative thinking to a positive creative mindset
• Learn how to support your body through the hot weather
• Heal mental and emotional disorders
• Improve the functioning of circulatory and lymphatic systems
• Make space for your creativity

Autumn Program

Autumn is the time of eliminating and letting go of what is no longer needed in our lives physically, emotionally and spiritually. As we release the old, we reconnect with our essence and become more receptive and open to a fresh vision and direction.

In Autumn, YogaAboutYou will help you to:

• Lose weight and tone buttocks, thighs and belly
• Strengthen your digestion, elimination and metabolism
• Boost your immune system to avoid hay fever, cold and flus through Winter
• Break old habits and stuck behavioural patterns
• Feel optimistic and inspired


Winter Program

Winter is a time when energy is naturally drawn inwards so we can rest, gather our strength and rejuvenate. As the days are shorter and there is less to do outside, we can use this time of the year to rest more deeply so energy can be gathered and rebuilt before we go into the more active months of spring. Giving our body the opportunity to relax, eat warming mineral rich foods and do gentle exercise to strengthen the spine can help us heal our nervous and hormonal systems as well as regain our structural integrity.

In Winter, YogaAboutYou will help you to:

• Improve sleep – enjoy the benefits of deeper phases of rest
• Regain life force – wake up joyful and jump out of bed excited about a new day
• Balance the sympathetic and parasympathetic nervous systems –relax and promote the body’s ability to repair itself
• Generate inner peace and a sense of well-being for the rest of the year
• Lengthen your spine – reverse aging
• Heal back pain
• Strengthen your Bladder meridian – cultivate courage and self confidence
• Recharge your kidneys –reduce adrenal stress, free up energy to realise your goals and dreams

Spring Program

Spring is a season of change and renewal. It is a time to sow your seeds and create a positive new direction for the rest of the year. As days become longer and nature blooms with new energy, we need to lighten up after the winter hibernation, cleanse our bodies and prepare for more fun and light-hearted festive summer season.

In Spring, YogaAboutYou will help you to:
• Improve flexibility and adaptability in your body and mind
• Increase joint mobility, lengthen muscles and strengthen ligaments
• Help your liver detox and heal for better moods and calmer mind
• Get in shape for summer by improving digestion and losing excess winter weight
• Reinvigorate your life with new energy and vision


Summer Program

Summer, governed by the fire element, is the season of abundance and joyful activity, a time to celebrate life with others. The expansive Fire energy is all about relationships, communication and creativity. During this time of the year is the perfect opportunity to improve our circulation, communication, and relationships.

In Summer, YogaAboutYou will help you to:
• Allow your heart to relax and open, enhancing relationships in your life
• Transition from obsessive and negative thinking to a positive creative mindset
• Learn how to support your body through the hot weather
• Heal mental and emotional disorders
• Improve the functioning of circulatory and lymphatic systems
• Make space for your creativity


Autumn Program

Autumn is the time of eliminating and letting go of what is no longer needed in our lives physically, emotionally and spiritually. As we release the old, we reconnect with our essence and become more receptive and open to a fresh vision and direction.

In Autumn, YogaAboutYou will help you to:
• Lose weight and tone buttocks, thighs and belly
• Strengthen your digestion, elimination and metabolism
• Boost your immune system to avoid hay fever, cold and flus through Winter
• Break old habits and stuck behavioural patterns
• Feel optimistic and inspired


Winter Program

Winter is a time when energy is naturally drawn inwards so we can rest, gather our strength and rejuvenate. As the days are shorter and there is less to do outside, we can use this time of the year to rest more deeply so energy can be gathered and rebuilt before we go into the more active months of spring. Giving our body the opportunity to relax, eat warming mineral rich foods and do gentle exercise to strengthen the spine can help us heal our nervous and hormonal systems as well as regain our structural integrity.

In Winter, YogaAboutYou will help you to:
• Improve sleep – enjoy the benefits of deeper phases of rest
• Regain life force – wake up joyful and jump out of bed excited about a new day
• Balance the sympathetic and parasympathetic nervous systems –relax and promote the body’s ability to repair itself
• Generate inner peace and a sense of well-being for the rest of the year
• Lengthen your spine – reverse aging
• Heal back pain
• Strengthen your Bladder meridian – cultivate courage and self confidence
• Recharge your kidneys –reduce adrenal stress, free up energy to realise your goals and dreams


Yoga by the Sea

Collaroy beach yoga class - Men health

Looking for yoga in Collaroy? Come practice with YogaAboutYou by the beach. Join our Ryoho Yoga classes in Collaroy on Tuesday, Thursday and Sunday mornings. We meet on a lush grass lawn by the Collaroy beach, in the shade of pine trees. The ocean breeze and the bright sky will set you up for a great day, and the Ryoho work will leave you energized and radiant. Year-round Collaroy yoga classes will warm you up in winter, and cool you down on the hot days.

Suitable for all experience levels and for all ages, the classes are held on Tuesdays/Thursdays at 9:30am, and Sundays at 9:00am (weather permitting). Please arrive five minutes earlier. Please bring a yoga mat or a large beach towel.

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Online Live

Live interactive Ryoho Yoga class Thursday 6pm

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Yoga Classes Timetable

Ryoho Yoga in Collaroy - Collaroy Beach Outdoor Class (Fox Park), Northern Beaches

Tuesday 9:30 am - 10:30 am
Thursday 9:30 am - 10:30 am
Sunday 9:00 am - 10:00 am

Ryoho Yoga in Narrabeen - Tramshed Arts & Community Centre, Northern Beaches

Tuesday 6:00 pm - 7:00 pm  

Ryoho Yoga in Cromer - 22 Carcoola Rd, Cromer, Northern Beaches

Thursday 6:00 pm - 7:00 pm  

Ryoho Yoga Online Live Interactive

Thursday 6:00 pm - 7:00 pm  

Corporate yoga programs

The aim of our well-structured, corporate courses is to offer clients an opportunity to support their personnel by improving their health and well- being.

Business benefits include:
• Improved concentration, clarity and focus in the workplace
• Reduced stress, anxiety and depression
• Increased productivity from healthier and happier staff
• Team building
• Reduced absenteeism and sick leave

Corporate Yoga as performance triger

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